Boosting Your Child's Grades

Why reading notes isn’t boosting your child’s grades

They are reading all of the notes from their teacher – why isn’t it boosting your child’s grades?

Do you wonder why reading notes isn’t boosting your child’s grades? As parents, seeing your child dedicate countless hours to studying without the anticipated improvement in exam results can be both frustrating and disheartening. This scenario is far from uncommon, with many students finding themselves stuck in a rut of inefficient study habits that don’t quite produce the desired results. The traditional approach of continuously reading over teacher’s notes, a method deeply ingrained in our understanding of effective study, may actually be at the heart of the problem.

boosting your child's grades

Debunking the Myth of Constant Note Re-reading

The traditional belief that repeatedly reading study materials enhances memory retention is a widespread misconception. This passive form of studying leads to a shallow grasp of the subject matter, which, although familiar, is not truly understood or retained in the long term. It’s a classic case of mistaking familiarity for knowledge, where students can recognise information but fail to recall or apply it independently when it matters most.

The Science Behind Effective Learning

Research in cognitive psychology suggests that active engagement with material is key to forging durable memory connections. Techniques that require the learner to process information more deeply, such as summarising content in their own words or teaching the material to someone else can significantly boost retention and understanding and will help with boosting your child’s grades.

Transforming Study Habits: Boosting Your Child’s Grades

It’s clear that a shift towards more active study strategies is necessary for true academic improvement. Let’s explore several methods designed to not only enhance study efficiency but also make the learning process more enjoyable and meaningful, ultimately boosting your child’s grades.

  1. Embrace Active Learning: Active learning involves interacting directly with the study material, as opposed to passively reading or listening. Encourage your child to summarise key concepts in their own words, create mind maps to visualize relationships between ideas, or engage in discussions about the material with peers or family members. This approach fosters a deeper understanding and encourages critical thinking, boosting your child’s grades. You can download our fantastic freebie on notetaking here!
  2. Practice Makes Perfect: Regular practice testing, whether through self-made quizzes, online resources, or past exam papers, is one of the most effective ways to solidify knowledge and prepare for the exam environment. This method helps identify areas that need further attention while building confidence and reducing exam anxiety.
  3. The Magic of Teaching: One of the most powerful learning techniques is to teach the material to someone else. This could involve your child explaining new concepts to you, a sibling, or even a study buddy. Articulating their understanding aloud forces them to process the information more deeply and identify any gaps in their knowledge.
  4. Interactive Study Groups: Collaborating with peers in study groups can introduce new perspectives and methods of understanding. It promotes active discussion, problem-solving, and a sense of community, making the study process more engaging and less isolating. All of this works towards boosting your child’s grades and their confidence when working under pressure.
  5. Incorporate Technology Wisely: Leveraging educational technology, such as quiz apps, online flashcards, and video tutorials, can provide a diverse range of learning modalities. This not only keeps study sessions fresh but also caters to different learning styles, from visual and auditory to kinesthetic.

Managing Study Time: Quality Over Quantity

How study time is managed can dramatically influence its effectiveness. Here are some strategies to help in boosting your child’s grades and helping them make the most of their study sessions:

  • The Pomodoro Technique: This time management method involves studying in focused 25-minute intervals followed by a 5-minute break. It helps maintain concentration and motivation while preventing burnout.
  • Set Specific Goals: Encourage your child to set clear, achievable objectives for each study session. This focuses their efforts and provides a sense of accomplishment upon completion.
  • Prioritise Tasks: Help them identify which subjects or topics require more attention and prioritise those in their study schedule. This ensures that their time is spent where it’s needed most.

You can read more about note-taking techniques here.

Creating a Supportive Study Environment

The physical and emotional environment in which your child studies can significantly impact their ability to focus and retain information. Here are some tips for creating a conducive study space:

  • Minimise Distractions: Ensure the study area is quiet, comfortable, and free from distractions. This might mean setting boundaries around the use of technology or finding a dedicated study room.
  • Encourage Regular Breaks: Stress the importance of taking regular breaks to rest and recharge. Physical activity, even a short walk, during these breaks can enhance focus and productivity.
  • Promote a Balanced Lifestyle: Emphasise the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including adequate sleep, nutritious food, and physical activity, in supporting cognitive function and overall well-being.

The Role of Expert Guidance: How Emerald Education Can Help

In situations where additional support is needed, seeking the expertise of a professional tutor can be transformative. Elaine at Emerald Education specialises in personalised tutoring that aligns with the unique needs and learning styles of each student. With a deep understanding of the exam requirements in Ireland and the UK, Elaine employs evidence-based strategies to not only improve academic performance but also to instil a love for learning. You can read more information here on Five mistakes to avoid when studying for exams.

A Brighter Academic Future Awaits

By understanding the limitations of traditional study habits and embracing more effective strategies, your child can unlock their true academic potential. It’s not merely about working harder but working smarter, with a focus on active learning, practice testing, and a supportive study environment.

At Emerald Education, we’re committed to guiding your child through their academic journey with personalised attention and expert strategies. Contact Elaine today to start your child’s journey towards academic success and confidence. Together, we can turn the tide on ineffective study habits and pave the way for a future where your child not only achieves their academic goals but exceeds them.


To contact Elaine, email or send a WhatsApp message to (+353) 083 8550210.


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