
Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Screening


Our Dyslexia Screening Test takes 30 mins approx to administer & identifies dyslexic tendencies in pupils 5-16+ years. It comprises six tests covering three areas: Ability, Attainment, and Diagnostic. A report is then given, detailing a true picture of the child’s ability, comparing their results with those gathered in standardised testing.

Our Dyscalculia Screener takes approx 30 mins and identifies dyscalculic tendencies in pupils 6-14+ yrs. It provides a report, detailing the true measure of the student’s facility with numbers.

The fee for administering a Screening Test is €50.

We are able to administer these either at the centre or online.

If you would like to book a screening test for your child, please call Elaine Lingard on 083 8550210. Alternatively, you can complete the form on this page to book, indicating which screening test you would like.

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In-Person, Online