Online Lesson


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Online Learning

Our online tailor-made lessons are flexible and allow your child to learn from home. These are fantastic for families who cannot commit to certain scheduled classes, or who do not live near the centre. 
Video Call
We design the same high-quality programme of learning that you would receive in our centre and set work for your child to access online. This set-up is flexible, giving you the choice of work being sent for your child to complete prior to a video call with the tutor, or a real-time lesson where the tutor and student(s) talk and access work via ‘Zoom’, a simple video conferencing tool.

Flexible Modules
With this option, your child works through specially prepared modules, covering the areas of study agreed upon during the initial assessment. The work can be completed by your child whenever it suits you and your family, with access to a short video call, email or phone call from the tutor to help when needed.